CHEF of Oklahoma CHEF of Oklahoma CHEF of Oklahoma CHEF of Oklahoma CHEF of Oklahoma CHEF of Oklahoma

I want to know!


What exactly is homeschooling?

Just as the name implies, homeschooling relates to teaching children at home. CHEF members homeschool because we believe God has called us, as parents, to be the primary educators in our children’s lives.

Is homeschooling legal?

Yes. In fact Oklahoma law makes allowance for “other means of education”, which includes homeschooling. Click on the links below for further information:

General information

Details on Oklahoma Law

How do I know it’s right for me?

You allow God to speak to your heart. Do you feel lead to homeschool? Does your spouse feel the same calling? Answering yes to these questions may indicate that you are ready follow that leading. Remember, if God has called you to homeschool (or to any other challenge), then He will enable you to complete the task He has set before you. [Phil 1:6]

How do I start homeschooling

We have some recommended literature for you to review. This will help to prepare you and to get yourself a plan of action.

For a copy of the "Oklahoma Homeschool Survey" send $2.00 to the CHEF address below:

CHEF of Oklahoma 
P.O. Box 471363 
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74147-1363

An informative free book is available from HSLDA, "Home Schooling: Start Here". Visit for details.

Who can I contact for more information?

We would be more that happy to speak with you, please contact us.

What is HSLDA?

HSLDA stands for Home School Legal Defense Association. Mission Statement: "The Home School Legal Defense Association is a non-profit advocacy organization established to defend and advance the constitutional right of parents to direct the education of their children and to protect family freedoms."

How many families homeschool?

There are estimated to be about 2000 families within Oklahoma alone – and there are homeschoolers in all fifty states. About 50% of homeschool families are associated with some type of homeschool support group, such as CHEF.

What about socialization?

This has now become one of the most frequent questions posed to homeschool families. The idea, which has been vigorously promoted by those who oppose homeschooling, presumes that since children won’t have constant interaction with other children their own age (e.g. public schools) then home schooled children will somehow lack the ability to interact and communicate with others. In the early days of homeschooling the main question was academics – but since that has been proven to be an overwhelming success, the academic questions don’t come up much anymore.

There are aspects of socialization that home schoolers actually want to miss out on: bullies, disrespect for parents, drugs, homosexual agenda, and other moral values differing from what the parents teach at home.

A study done by Cornell University shows that too much of the wrong type of socialization (Peer Pressure) can actually be harmful. According to the study, children become peer dependent by spending more time with peers than with parents. Esteem among teens who are peer dependent is lower than teens that are close to family. This dependency is not desired by teens, but comes about by default because they lack meaningful contact with adults and parents. By experiencing more one-on-one interaction with parents, many homeschoolers are able to communicate far better with adults, compared to their public-schooled counterparts.

Remember, public school is not the only place where socialization can take place. Socialization also takes place at church, sporting events, community events or with other children in the neighborhood. Many home schoolers play sports, go to and actively participate in church activities, attend community events, play musical instruments and are involved in many other things that bring them in contact with people of all ages.

Unfortunately, socialization in the public schools very often includes pressure to have sex, use drugs, commit crime, cheat on tests, or to commit some other unethical behavior. An increasing number of parents homeschool to reduce bad socialization.

An extensive and lengthy study has been released which totally debunks the idea that homeschoolers lack socialization. In fact, one could now ask the public schools why they are not able to produce graduates who are as socially well-adapted as their homeschooled counterparts. [View Study] and [Washington Times report 10/23/2003]

Washington Times Op-ed — Socialization in High School Oversold 6/1/2004

How do homeschoolers compare academically on standardized tests?

The results speak for themselves. On standardized testing, home schooled children score 30-35 percentile points above public school children in all subjects and at all grade levels.  Click here for research data.

What about parent/teacher qualifications?

On the surface this sounds like a reasonable question. However, the statistics show that homeschool parents with no education beyond high school still produce students who outperform their public schooled counterparts whose teachers have advanced degrees. So, teacher qualification doesn’t make a difference. There is no person more capable of teaching your child than you, the parent.

Despite proven statistical data, home school opponents continue to raise this question.

What is CHEF of Oklahoma?

CHEF stands for Christian Home Educators Fellowship. We are a group of volunteers dedicated to supporting families who believe God has called them to an active role in the education of their children.


What exactly is a Christian?

This is a person who has given Jesus Christ the Lordship of their life. We believe Christ died a sacrificial death to atone for our sins, that he was buried and rose again bodily on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3-4Romans 10:9). Click here for more information.


How do I become a member of CHEF?

Attend a new member orientation class, and concur with the CHEF Constitution and Statement of Faith. Membership dues are $30/yr.

How can I participate/contribute to CHEF?

As a volunteer organization, we always have needs that you, as a member, may be uniquely qualified to fill. Please contact us if you can serve in any way.